No Scalpel Vasectomy Surgery in Columbia, SC

Gentlemen, let’s face it. The mothers of our children spent 9 months growing and then birthing our children. They’ve done plenty of work.  It’s time for you to step up and get a no-scalpel vasectomy surgery in my office (no extra surgery center fees!).

Having performed over 1800 no scalpel vasectomies as of 2013, I can offer you a 10 minute procedure which is 99.9 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. And after doing 1800, I have to say I’m very comfortable doing them. I would even call myself an expert!  You don’t want a non-surgeon doing this procedure, or a urologist who doesn’t do it all the time. Most of my patients return to work after a weekend of rest and television. I do over 200 a year.

If you would like more information, check out a live surgery on YouTube under bandkampsc, or search for “best vas Edmunds” and it should come up. Please call us if you are considering male sterilization.  We perform the best no scalpel vasectomy surgery in Columbia, SC.

I’ll treat yours like I’d treat mine…Man Up!